• 14 октября 2014, вторник
  • Онлайн

Lecture-webinar with Greg Clark "Who's in charge: the city or the state?”

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3476 дней назад
14 октября 2014 c 20:00 до 21:30

The emergence of "global cities" has ambiguous consequences. On the one hand, it contributes to the development of nation states; on the other, it creates a number of significant problems. How can tension between nations and their major cities be avoided? How can global cities be governed effectively? What is troubling mayors today?


Registration is open and accessible to all by completing the form below.

On 14 October at 20:00, Greg Clark, an internationally recognized expert on urban development and investment strategies, a Senior Fellow of the Urban Land Institute, Co-Chairman of the New York Metropolitan Global Advisory Board, and World Bank Advisor on Metropolitan Strategy, will talk about methodology and approaches in a special study, "Global Cities and Nation States. Partnership for Success: Past, Present and Future", which will be presented in December as part of the IV Moscow Urban Forum. Greg will also answer questions from the on-line audience.

Webinar participants will have the unique opportunity to ask Greg Clark (Facebook: http://on.fb.me/ZRRK9K) and get an answer within the live broadcast.

The link to the broadcast will be sent by e-mail on the day prior to the event. 

The webinar is organised by the Moscow Urban Forum (http://mosurbanforum.ru).


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